Motorcycle Refinancing – iLending Direct
Warmer weather is here, and soon more motorcycles will be out and about on our nation’s roadways. May is National Motorcycle Awareness Month. We at iLendingDIRECT support all efforts to make motorists more aware of the motorcycles they share the road with. At the same time, we would like to encourage bikers to be aware of their surroundings as well.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclist deaths occurred 27 times more frequently than fatalities in other vehicles based on 2014 fatal crash data. Distracted driving is the source of far too many fatalities on our highways. This is a problem that we can control.
Avoiding texting while driving can help greatly reduce car accidents, which is currently the number one killer of teen drivers. Putting your phone away in a purse or glove compartment while you drive is one way to keep from being tempted to pick it up when you are behind the wheel. Do you have a passenger with you in the vehicle? Ask them to hold your phone for you while you are driving. If there is an emergency, they can let you know. If any non-emergency messages or calls come in, they can make you aware. Once you reach your destination safely, you can then deal with the call.
Drivers can also help reduce car accidents by checking their vehicle’s blind spots, side view and rear view mirrors. You can also remember to use turn signals when changing lanes and passing. A motorcycle is a motor vehicle, with all the rights and privileges of any other vehicle on the road. Drivers should give motorcyclists a full lane to travel in, look for them on the highway, at intersections and any time you are preparing to change lanes. Do not follow a motorcycle too closely; they should be given as much room as any other vehicle.
Motorcycle riders can take a defensive driving course, be alert to road hazards, wear a good helmet and other protective gear, and be aware of hazardous weather conditions. Using headlights at all times, even on clear, sunny days, helps increase your visibility in traffic, and allowing plenty of room between you and the car ahead of you gives you room to maneuver if things change.
Are you in the market for a motorcycle loan? Would it surprise you to know that even if you have bad credit or no credit history you can refinance a vehicle or motorcycle loan and get a lower interest rate? iLendingDIRECT will work with you to come up with the best possible plan for getting you the lowest rate possible. We can help you restructure your financial situation if it helps put you in a better position.
There is no application fee, and our process is easy and fast to complete. You can even use our loan calculator to see just how big an effect a drop in your interest rate can make on the size of your monthly payment. Fill out our credit application today to learn more about refinancing your loan at a lower interest rate. If you would rather speak to someone first, give us a call today at (866) 683-5505. Contact us today; the sooner we get started on refinancing your motorcycle loan payment, the sooner you can start saving money.