If you are stuck with a car loan that has a high interest rate, you are in luck. iLendingDIRECT exists to refinance auto loans and get you lower interest rates – as low as 1.99%!
Through great programs and relationships with financial institutions, iLendingDIRECT not only helps customers find low-interest rate auto loans and end-of-lease financing solutions at great rates, we also educate customers with strategies that aim to increase their financial well-being, which ultimately leads to greater financial health, higher credit scores, and more savings.
There are a few ways and reasons iLendingDIRECT facilitates a road to lower rates:
Believe it or not, even borrowers with bad credit can refinance their auto loan at a lower interest rate. Your credit doesn’t have to be a barrier to refinance options, nor should you be stuck with high rates. iLendingDIRECT will take the time to understand your overall financial status by doing a comprehensive review of your situation so we can tailor a plan to your specific needs.
By helping you with strategies to increase your credit score and save more, you not only have an ally that will help you refinance at a lower rate, you have one that cares about your financial success. So even if you have bad credit, you should apply for refinancing, because even a small decrease in interest rates will save money over the term of your car loan.
To learn more about refinancing your auto loan at a lower interest rate, call iLendingDIRECT today at (866) 683-5505 or APPLY NOW.